My catalogue: Please check here periodically for updates - it is still work in progress as I link up all my catalogue of music to this index page! In the meantime, feel free to search the site using the search function above to find any of my music you may require. Regards Michael June 2024.
Responsorial Psalms
These are the Responsorial Psalms for the Sundays of Ordinary Time Year A
Item description
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Gospel-Based Chants These are mostly short, repetitive songs (or ‘chants’), closely related to the Gospel reading for the particular Sunday, many of which are suitable for reflective prayer, or other liturgical actions, such as gathering and sending forth.
A Selection of 20 Favourite Psalms
My Favourite Chants for Liturgy and Reflective Prayer
Mass Settings
Feast Days of Saints
Special Days in Australia
Click Here:
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Best Hymns of Br Michael Herry
Published Albums of Br Michael Herry fms
My first album, with deep gratitude to Maria Rohr (RIP), my first publisher. Click here