Favourite Chants for Liturgy and Reflective Prayer
by Br Michael Herry fms
Be still and know that I am God
I am the living bread come down
I am the vine, you are the branches
Lord Jesus, we gather in your name
Where two or three are gathered
Br Michael Herry fms
Michael Herry fms
Br Michael Herry
Br Michael Herry
Br Michael Herry fms (Vocal Solo: Clare Johnson with the Marist Singers)
Br Michael Herry
Michael Herry fms
Michael Herry fms
Br Michael Herry and Marist Singers (Soloists Clare Johnson and John Azzopardi)
Br Michael Herry (with thanks to my dear friend, Celia Milne who composed this beautiful song)
Michael Herry fms
Michael Herry FMS and Anne Rhodes
Br Michael Herry (Vocal Solo: John Azzopardi with the Marist Singers)
Br Michael Herry with soloist Mary Torpy and the Marist Singers
Br Michael Herry fms.
Br Michael Herry fms. (Vocal solo: Clare Johnson with the Marist Singers)
Br Michael Herry fms. (Vocal solo: Mary Torpy with the Marist Singers)
Br Michael Herry fms (Vocal solo: Clare Johnson with the Marist Singers)
Br Michael Herry, the Marist Singers and trumpeter Allan Hessey
Br MIchael Herry fms
Br Michael Herry fms (Soloist: John Azzopardi and Marist Singers)
Michael Herry fms